Installation for “Miyu Hosoi | KITEN”

In charge of installation for sound artist Miyu Hosoi’s installation piece “KITEN” exhibited at Nagano Prefectural Art Museum.
We designed and installed mounting fixtures to realize the artist’s vision of creating a sound exhibition where the sound speakers are not emphasized.


*Japanese only

第Ⅱ期みんなのアートプロジェクト成果展 配置訓練 細井美裕+比嘉了
*Japanese only

Results of Phase II Art Project for Everyone - Miyu Hosoi + Satoru Higa

Dates: July 24 - September 10, 2023
Venue: Nagano Prefectural Art Museum

Organized by: Nagano prefecture, Nagano Prefectural Art Museum
Sponsored by: GENELEC Japan, Shizuka, Inc.
Supported by: 2023 Project to support emerging media arts creators