Technical direction for “MPLUSPLUS | Embodiment++”

In charge of technical direction for MPLUSPLUS’s exhibition “Embodiment++” held at Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT].

With a background as a dancer, MPLUSPLUS CEO Fujimoto Minoru pursued research into wearable computing and received a PhD in engineering. Following a stint as a university educator, he launched MPLUSPLUS to develop original LED devices. Fujimoto has attempted to update the human body through stage performances and other projects. As a further means of engaging with this aspiration, the new work presented at the exhibition is an installation featuring robots that transcend human ability.


[CCBT ShowCase] MPLUSPLUS | Embodiment++

[CCBT ShowCase]

Dates: September 16(Sat)-November 19(Sun) , 2023
Venue: Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT] 

Organized by: Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT] (Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)

Photo: Kabe Sohei
Photo courtesy: Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT]